Monday, August 27, 2018

First 3D Art Project

3D Week 001 Assignment (UE4 Simple Box Level)

So, this week I'm tasked with creating a simple cube in Maya and then importing it into Unity to create a scene. Here's my breakdown:

First off, I grabbed my mannequin off of Unity to import into Maya for scale. This guy's pretty huge and since scale is an important factor between programs, I needed to make sure I scaled my assets properly at the start of the project. This Mannequin is about 6 feet tall, so I scaled my block to about a third of a foot.

Thanks to proper scaling, I was able to make a quick cube with beveled edges. It's a 10X10X10 unit cube with beveled edges at a subdivision of 3.

Once I had my cube, I was able to then open up Unreal and import the asset in.  I created a new level and saved my project in case of any future crashes. I decided I wanted to make an Ice Cream Truck with my cubes. I figured to tackle this project the way I would modeling in Maya, so, I built one half of the truck first. 

After completing one side of the model, I then grouped all the poly for the one side and so translated the group to create a new copy of the group. Then I went ahead and Transformed the group to mirror across the Y-axis so I would have the left side of the truck.

I built a quick and simple model of an ice cream cone to put on top of my truck. I built it to the side of my main model and then rotated and translated it into place. 

I then went ahead and created a quick procedural material. I created instances from this material and varied them to achieve the colors I wanted to use. I then went about selecting my cubes and assigning materials to them. 

After Changing up the colors in the instances, I went back in and detailed them a bit more to have the texture I wanted each one to have. 

Side Shot:

Back shot:

I went in after the materials were done and added a bit of fog to give a candy-cotton vibe. I tinted it a peach-pink. 

AFter messing around with the fog, I then went and added a couple light sources to add dynamics to the scene. 

Finally, I decided to revisit the ice cream cone and added some emission to the ice cream to make it glow. Final Front angle:

Final Back Shot:

Final Side Shot:


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