Friday, October 5, 2018

Story Chosen for ReVision

I've chosen to create visual work for J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan. I decided to alter the story in a re-telling where it takes place in modern times in a metropolitan city. Peter is the leader of the Lost Boys gang and the right hand man of "Tink", an older woman who happens to run a drug business out of her club, Neverland. There's elements of urban fantasy where the drug is "Pixie Dust" and peter's shadow is personified and does his bidding.  The lost boys and peter use creepy baby masks to disguise their faces when doing illicit activities. Tiger Lily is Peter's best friend and the daughter of the local bike gang's leader. She's gotten involved in some trouble and is being used as leverage against peter by Captain James Hook, captain of the police department. He's a good cop with questionable methods and trying to get his hands on Tink and Peter. Wendy is an upper-middle class girl, bored with her life and looking for excitement. She's just unaware of what she's getting involved in and must decide to stay or go.

I decided to go in the style of Cedric Payravernay (Dishonored) and mix it with my own comic-book inspired style.

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